Faren Siminoff for NCCFT President

Strong, Effective, Respected

Dr. Faren Siminoff

My Pledge

I am running for re-election to be your president. When I ran to fill the vacated term, I pledged to restore respect for the NCCFT and our faculty. We have begun the NCCFT's journey back to being a respected and effective union in the county. It cannot happen overnight, but now the County Legislature is concerned with the college and more aware of the role the faculty plays in its success.

I promised to be a union president who would have your back and work in the interest of the entire faculty. I have done this. No one is ever told to "read the contract" or ignored. I personally answer every email and constantly speak with faculty both individually and in groups. I hope to complete the process of becoming a stronger and more respected union. This takes time and dedication. We are rebuilding day by day.

The Challenge

The contract is our most pressing challenge, but it won’t be our last. You all may recall that over the years I warned that agreeing to sunsets and never taking on the healthcare increment clause (36-5), along with my vehement objection to approving the 2014 contract which created a two-tiered health insurance system for pre- and post-2014 faculty, were things we would "pay for" down the road. We are now faced with the consequences of these givebacks, and I am working to create a new contract environment from which we can move forward. I am also working every day to reverse the administration's decision to implement section 36-5 and to pressure the county and the BOT to give us a fair contract. With your continued support by attending rallies, informational picketing, participating in the letter writing campaign and all activities and events, I am confident we will get a fair contract. Loss is not inevitable.

My Experience

For those who do not know me, let me tell you who I am. I have been a professor in the Department of History, Political Science, Geography and Latin American Studies, for over twenty-four years. I have served as an officer (Secretary) on the NCCFT Executive Committee, as the NCCFT’s Judge on the Grievance Panel, as an Academic Senator, and on numerous committees, and now the NCCFT president for 17 months.

By way of background, I hold a PhD in American History and I am an attorney and former contract negotiator on behalf of a public benefit corporation where I negotiated complex, high value contracts.

But most importantly, I am a member of our NCC faculty dedicated to maintaining a central role for this faculty at the college and ensuring a fair and safe working environment – one where your contributions are valued and respected.

As your NCCFT President, I have:

  • Protected the contract. I have stopped the routine signing of give-way MOAs and brought grievances when needed.
  • Protected each member 365 days a year. If you need assistance I, and this union, have been here for you. You are this union's priority.
  • Sabbaticals: Even though the sabbaticals sunset I was able to secure an MOA to continue for sabbaticals this year.
  • ASEC Reassigned Time: The Academic Senate Executive Committee received reassigned time for both the fall and spring semesters, despite it sunsetting. This is essential for our accreditation.
  • New York State Bill to Include a Faculty Member on Community College Boards of Trustees: The NCCFT got NYSUT to introduce legislation permitting a non-voting faculty trustee on community college boards of trustees. It is now a bill before the state legislature. NYSUT is very hopeful it will pass this legislative session, and we could have a faculty trustee on our BOT by fall 2023. This would be a real step forward for our faculty.
  • "Becoming More" NYSUT Publicity Campaign: The upcoming NYSUT media campaign to promote community college enrollment is a result of our request to NYSUT to do more for community colleges. NCC will be highlighted in the campaign, and we are hopeful it will contribute to increased enrollment for fall 2023. See the three videos of NCC alumni highlighted in the campaign here: https://www.nccft.org/2023/02/28/become-more-ncc-alumni-share-their-experience
  • Value: Overall, we have received much more value for our dues to NYSUT this past year.
  • Accessible: If there’s a problem, I have held more special Zoom meetings and met with more small groups than any past union president. Am I perfect? I wish, but I am not, but I accept ideas and criticism and do my best to always improve.
  • The contract proposal crafted was based on your input.
  • Inclusive: Our faculty is talented, knowledgeable and our best resource. I am always reaching out to faculty for their ideas. I created a Junior Faculty committee and a Diversity committee.
  • Ensure a safe work environment: We have had an effective Health and Safety committee which has worked tirelessly to push the college to remedy problems.
  • Forge community alliances. I have begun to build alliances with other county unions, including the PBA as well as with our NYSUT brothers and sisters in the county.
  • Educate the public about the critical role a substantial, full-time faculty plays at the college: Through our campaigns we have been educating the public and the county legislature about the importance of the college and full-time faculty.

In a short period of time, we have accomplished a lot. Yes, there are challenges, and the contract looms big over everything now. However, if we are steadfast and understand that rebuilding takes time and much work, we will see better days.